I couldn't believe I'd missed it before. I'd read the book
many, many times - but this time was different. A secret was
revealed to me - and today I'm going to give it to you.
If you are open and receptive to what you are about to read,
you can expect a major breakthrough.
Here it is:
"Psychologist David Seabury says that the best piece of advice
his father ever gave him was to practice positive mental
imagery - immediately and 'on cue,' so to speak, whenever he
became aware of negative feelings. Negative feelings literally
defeated themselves by becoming a sort of 'bell' which set off
a conditioned reflex to arouse positive states of mind."
Now read that passage again. It comes from the 35-million-copy
bestseller, Psycho-Cybernetics. Pay particular attention to
the words "the best piece of advice his father ever gave him."
Why? Because whenever something is "the best piece of advice"
someone can give you - especially your father - you know it's
got to be good.
In reading this passage, I not only see it as the best advice
I can give my son - but myself, and everyone I teach at my
seminars and in my coaching programs.
Many people wonder why I am always so calm, cool, and
collected. Many wonder how I am able to speak before a crowd
in such a nonchalant, totally relaxed way and still have
everyone totally riveted.
It's mostly because I have no thoughts of resistance when I
speak. I'm not concerned about offending anyone. I'm not even
trying to get people to like me. I am simply ME, take it or
leave it.
Very few people are like this. They're always trying to figure
out how to get others to approve of them or like them. Not
good. Because the more you NEED others to like you the less
they will like you.
Same goes with money. The more you NEED it, the more it will
stay away from you. Money and friends go where they are wanted
- not where they are needed. There is a world of difference
between want and need. One attracts. The other repels.
Want comes from a vibration of "I'm happy already and I'd like
to have this, too." Need comes from a vibration of "I'm
miserable and frustrated and I need this thing to make me
Become aware of negative NEED feelings when they arise. And
when they do, learn, through practice, to have those feelings
immediately trigger the thought to change your vibration into
a "feel good" one.
Most people have never been taught to do this by their fathers
- or by anyone else. They've been taught to set goals, to have
a burning desire, to be optimistic and have a positive
But what do you do when you look at the state of your finances
and you feel bad? What do you do when the reality of your
situation begins to ruin your day? What do you do when you're
feeling frustrated, fearful, and worried? You do what Dr.
Seabury's father told him to do... and what I'm telling you
to do.
First, you "recognize" that you are feeling bad.
Second, you understand that this "feel bad" vibration REPELS
what you say you want. Your want is not a want. It's a need
that comes with the expectation that something outside of
yourself will make you happy.
Third, you recognize that this "feel bad" imagery sends a
signal to the Universe that you cannot be happy "for no
particular reason." And that's not good.
There is a balancing act between having a burning desire and
having a desire that burns you.
Having a burning desire creates the necessary mindset that
will attract the thing you want. On the other hand, if the
desire is connected to "I'm miserable unless I have this thing"
- then you are chasing success and that success will always
run faster than you do.
Your objective is to attract success, not chase it. Chasing
success is repelling success. You never get what you are
Several years ago, a man sent me an e-mail in which he accused
me of "chasing the almighty dollar." He was wrong. At that
point in my life, I couldn't even form a mental image of
myself doing what he said I was doing.
When I did chase the almighty dollar - and I did it for years
- I had no money. When I stopped chasing and learned to
attract it, it flowed into my life so fast I was nearly
knocked over.
The forces of attraction and repulsion are always at play.
Whether you attract more than you repel or repel more than you
attract is simply a matter of how strong those forces are. If
your repelling energy is stronger, you go deeper into debt. If
your attraction energy is stronger, you get wealthier. If both
are equally strong, you feel "stuck."
Now the question is... what do you do if you are repelling
more than you're attracting?
The answer:
1. You change the way you feel by changing the mental
picture you have of your situation.
Every time you feel a negative emotion, you sound the alarm in
your head. "Uh, oh. Not good. Change the mental picture to a
positive one." You do this over and over, and before long the
feel-bad vibe lasts less than a second and you're back to
feeling good.
2. You begin each day with exercises that help you go
Every time you feel a negative emotion, you sound the alarm in
your head. "Uh, oh. Not good. Change the mental picture to a
positive one." You do this over and over, and before long the
feel-bad vibe lasts less than a second and you're back to
feeling good.
2. You begin each day with exercises that help you go
through the whole day without resistance.
You don't just read inspirational messages and books. You
stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself what you want.
You picture what you want when you speak. You recall previous
successes and link them to your future.
3. You have a burning desire in mind, a goal.
You don't expect the goal to give you happiness. You don't let
the desire for it burn you by feeling bad that you don't yet
have it. In fact, even though you WANT the goal, you are able
to "walk away" from it emotionally. If, for example, you want
more money - you don't expect more money to give you
happiness. You simply want more money - and you put yourself
into happiness mode NOW.
If you're happy even though you don't yet have in your
possession the thing you want - then you are attracting it
to you.
If you're unhappy because you don't yet have in your
possession the thing you NEED - then you are repelling it.
So get happy NOW.
Recognize that fear, frustration, and angst are only there to
help you change course. They're there to help you see that
your mental picture is off-target. Put the right mental image
back onto the screen of your mind and watch how the Universe
lines things up in your favor.
You don't just read inspirational messages and books. You
stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself what you want.
You picture what you want when you speak. You recall previous
successes and link them to your future.
3. You have a burning desire in mind, a goal.
You don't expect the goal to give you happiness. You don't let
the desire for it burn you by feeling bad that you don't yet
have it. In fact, even though you WANT the goal, you are able
to "walk away" from it emotionally. If, for example, you want
more money - you don't expect more money to give you
happiness. You simply want more money - and you put yourself
into happiness mode NOW.
If you're happy even though you don't yet have in your
possession the thing you want - then you are attracting it
to you.
If you're unhappy because you don't yet have in your
possession the thing you NEED - then you are repelling it.
So get happy NOW.
Recognize that fear, frustration, and angst are only there to
help you change course. They're there to help you see that
your mental picture is off-target. Put the right mental image
back onto the screen of your mind and watch how the Universe
lines things up in your favor.
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