Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Best Advice a Father Can Give by Matt Furey

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

I couldn't believe I'd missed it before. I'd read the book
many, many times - but this time was different. A secret was
revealed to me - and today I'm going to give it to you.

If you are open and receptive to what you are about to read,
you can expect a major breakthrough.

Here it is:

"Psychologist David Seabury says that the best piece of advice
his father ever gave him was to practice positive mental
imagery - immediately and 'on cue,' so to speak, whenever he
became aware of negative feelings. Negative feelings literally
defeated themselves by becoming a sort of 'bell' which set off
a conditioned reflex to arouse positive states of mind."

Now read that passage again. It comes from the 35-million-copy
bestseller, Psycho-Cybernetics. Pay particular attention to
the words "the best piece of advice his father ever gave him."
Why? Because whenever something is "the best piece of advice"
someone can give you - especially your father - you know it's
got to be good.

In reading this passage, I not only see it as the best advice
I can give my son - but myself, and everyone I teach at my
seminars and in my coaching programs.

Many people wonder why I am always so calm, cool, and
collected. Many wonder how I am able to speak before a crowd
in such a nonchalant, totally relaxed way and still have
everyone totally riveted.

It's mostly because I have no thoughts of resistance when I
speak. I'm not concerned about offending anyone. I'm not even
trying to get people to like me. I am simply ME, take it or
leave it.

Very few people are like this. They're always trying to figure
out how to get others to approve of them or like them. Not
good. Because the more you NEED others to like you the less
they will like you.

Same goes with money. The more you NEED it, the more it will
stay away from you. Money and friends go where they are wanted
- not where they are needed. There is a world of difference
between want and need. One attracts. The other repels.

Want comes from a vibration of "I'm happy already and I'd like
to have this, too." Need comes from a vibration of "I'm
miserable and frustrated and I need this thing to make me

Become aware of negative NEED feelings when they arise. And
when they do, learn, through practice, to have those feelings
immediately trigger the thought to change your vibration into
a "feel good" one.

Most people have never been taught to do this by their fathers
- or by anyone else. They've been taught to set goals, to have
a burning desire, to be optimistic and have a positive

But what do you do when you look at the state of your finances
and you feel bad? What do you do when the reality of your
situation begins to ruin your day? What do you do when you're
feeling frustrated, fearful, and worried? You do what Dr.
Seabury's father told him to do... and what I'm telling you
to do.

First, you "recognize" that you are feeling bad.

Second, you understand that this "feel bad" vibration REPELS
what you say you want. Your want is not a want. It's a need
that comes with the expectation that something outside of
yourself will make you happy.

Third, you recognize that this "feel bad" imagery sends a
signal to the Universe that you cannot be happy "for no
particular reason." And that's not good.

There is a balancing act between having a burning desire and
having a desire that burns you.

Having a burning desire creates the necessary mindset that
will attract the thing you want. On the other hand, if the
desire is connected to "I'm miserable unless I have this thing"
- then you are chasing success and that success will always
run faster than you do.

Your objective is to attract success, not chase it. Chasing
success is repelling success. You never get what you are

Several years ago, a man sent me an e-mail in which he accused
me of "chasing the almighty dollar." He was wrong. At that
point in my life, I couldn't even form a mental image of
myself doing what he said I was doing.

When I did chase the almighty dollar - and I did it for years
- I had no money. When I stopped chasing and learned to
attract it, it flowed into my life so fast I was nearly
knocked over.

The forces of attraction and repulsion are always at play.
Whether you attract more than you repel or repel more than you
attract is simply a matter of how strong those forces are. If
your repelling energy is stronger, you go deeper into debt. If
your attraction energy is stronger, you get wealthier. If both
are equally strong, you feel "stuck."

Now the question is... what do you do if you are repelling
more than you're attracting?

The answer:

1. You change the way you feel by changing the mental
picture you have of your situation.

Every time you feel a negative emotion, you sound the alarm in
your head. "Uh, oh. Not good. Change the mental picture to a
positive one." You do this over and over, and before long the
feel-bad vibe lasts less than a second and you're back to
feeling good.

2. You begin each day with exercises that help you go
through the whole day without resistance.

You don't just read inspirational messages and books. You
stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself what you want.
You picture what you want when you speak. You recall previous
successes and link them to your future.

3. You have a burning desire in mind, a goal.

You don't expect the goal to give you happiness. You don't let
the desire for it burn you by feeling bad that you don't yet
have it. In fact, even though you WANT the goal, you are able
to "walk away" from it emotionally. If, for example, you want
more money - you don't expect more money to give you
happiness. You simply want more money - and you put yourself
into happiness mode NOW.

If you're happy even though you don't yet have in your
possession the thing you want - then you are attracting it
to you.

If you're unhappy because you don't yet have in your
possession the thing you NEED - then you are repelling it.

So get happy NOW.

Recognize that fear, frustration, and angst are only there to
help you change course. They're there to help you see that
your mental picture is off-target. Put the right mental image
back onto the screen of your mind and watch how the Universe
lines things up in your favor.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is It Time to Rethink Your Career by Brian Tracy

A great number of people spend their lives doing something they
don't enjoy during the week, always looking forward to the
weekend. They refer to Monday as "Blue Monday" and to
Wednesday as "Hump Day." At the end of the week, they say
"Thank God It's Friday!"

These are men and women with very little in the way of a future.
They look upon their jobs as a form of drudgery, a penance they
have to pay in order to enjoy their free time. And because of this
attitude, they have trouble making progress.

They stay pretty much where they are, always wondering why
other people seem to be living the good life while they feel like
they are living a life of quiet desperation.

At my seminars, people frequently ask me what they can do to
be more successful. In almost every case, they are working at
a job they don't like, for a boss they don't particularly respect,
producing or selling products or services for customers they
don't care about. And many of them think that if they just hang
in there long enough, the clouds will part and everything will get
better for them.

But in order to advance -- in order to move up to more difficult,
more interesting, and higher-paid positions -- you must become
extremely good at what you are doing right now. If you don't have
the desire to be very good at your job, that means you are probably
in the wrong one.

Too many people do their work in a mediocre way, with the idea
that, when the right job comes along, then they will really work
hard. But the right job never comes along. They are always passed
over for promotions. They are always the last ones hired and the
first ones laid off.

What about you? Are you in the right job?

Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself what you would like to do if
you only had six months left to live. What would you choose to do
if you won a million dollars in the lottery tomorrow? What sort of
work would you do if you were absolutely guaranteed of success
in your field? If there were no limits on your abilities and
opportunities -- if you had no debts, no problems, no
commitments -- what would be your ideal career?

Research shows that the things people liked to do between the
ages of 7 and 14 were a very good indicator of what they would
be most successful at as adults.

A man at one of my seminars told me that when he was 7 he
loved to build model airplanes. As he got older, he built more
and more complicated planes. By the time he was 14, he was
building them with engines and flying them in contests.

Today, he is 35 years old. He has a degree in aeronautical
engineering. He designs small aircraft. In addition, he owns
an aircraft maintenance company and an air charter firm. He is
a multi-millionaire, and he feels like he has never worked a
day in his life. He has always done what he loved to do from
the time he was a boy.

If you're not sure of your true calling, ask the people closest to
you. Ask them, "What do you think would be the very best thing
for me to do with my life?" It is amazing how the people around
you -- your spouse, your best friends, your parents -- can clearly
see what you should be doing when you cannot see it yourself.

Project yourself forward five years, and imagine that your entire
life is perfect in every respect. Imagine that you are doing exactly
the right job for you, in exactly the right place, with exactly the
right people, and earning exactly the amount you want to earn.

What would that look like? Where would you be, and what would
you be doing? Who would you be with, and how would you have

When you have that picture in your head, think about the steps
you would have to take to get from where you are today to
where you want to be in five years. What skills would you have
to develop? What information would you have to acquire? What
obstacles would you have to overcome?

Success comes from being excellent at what you do. The market
pays excellent rewards only for excellent performance. It pays
average rewards for average performance, and below-average
rewards for below-average performance.

All really successful and happy people know in their hearts
that they are very good at what they do. And if you are doing
what you really love and enjoy, if you are following your true
calling, you will know it too.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10 Ways to Improve Your Finances by Dawn A. Anderson

About this time every year, millions of Americans start to think
about possible New Year's Resolutions. While some people resolve to
quit smoking or lose weight, others may choose to improve their
finances. Instead of creating a vague, unrealistic goal try
creating a simple plan of attack that can easily be achieved.

The Top 10 Ways to Improve your Finances are:

1. Make a Budget - Create a budget and stick to it. This will
help you break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. The best
way to do this is to look at how much money comes in and goes out
for a 30 day period. Use a budget calculator to help get
you started.

2. Reduce Expenses - Can't pay your phone bill but you spend
$15-$20 a day between coffee and snacks. Look for ways of reducing
expenses such as brewing your coffee at home, packing a lunch,
switching phone carriers and clipping coupons.

3. Pay off Debt - Do you know how much money you are paying in
interest to your credit card company? By reducing and/or
eliminating your debt you will not only save money paid in interest
you will have the money to save for your future. If you have a
structured settlement, annuity, pending lawsuit or other illiquid
asset it may be beneficial to sell some of the future payments in
order to pay off your debt.

4. Create an Emergency Fund - Do you have 6 months worth of
monthly expenses saved just in case you fall on hard times? If not,
you need to create a fund in order to protect yourself from falling
behind on your obligations if you lose your income. Some people
have created their emergency fund by putting a portion of their
cash lump sum into an interest bearing account.

5. Save Money - Are you going to need a new car soon? Perhaps
you want to take a vacation next year. Maybe you need to make home
repairs. Rather than acquiring more debt, save for your purchases
and pay in cash.

6. Save for Retirement - The earlier you save for retirement,
the better off you will be. If your employer offers 401(k)
matching, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity for free

7. Protect your Assets - Make sure to maintain your home to help
it retain its value. Don't forget to have a will to ensure that you
decide how your assets such as your home, annuity or other assets
are divided not the government.

8. Get Insurance - Your apartment, home, car and other valuables
need to be protected in case of theft, damage or loss. If you are
not properly insured you may not receive enough money to repair or
replace them. If you have children that need to be supported after
you are gone, make sure you have life insurance.

9. Protect your Identity - Identity theft can be costly not to
mention damaging to your credit score. Monitor your credit report.
Check your accounts for unauthorized transactions. Shred documents
instead of throwing them in the trash. Shop online at credible
merchants and use Pay Pal.

10. Manage Credit/Credit Score - Check your credit report every
six months. Make sure you pay your bills on time and avoid using
credit cards whenever possible. Some experts say to freeze your
credit card to avoid making impulse purchases.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sign Up For This Exciting Blogging Workshop!

Hi readers,

I just signed up for this blogging workshop which
looks very promising:


It's going to be run by two highly successful
young entrepreneurs from Singapore - Calvin & Patricia.

They run multiple successful online businesses
and even own an online marketing consultancy.

And in this full-day workshop, they're going to teach
a proven 5-step system which anyone can easily follow
and implement to make money online.

There's absolutely no hype and they appear to be
very sincere and helpful. They even have a ton of
testimonials from normal people who have benefited
greatly from their coaching.

Anyway, I've signed up and just thought I'll let
you know as I think it might interest you.

If you're interested to find out more, just check
out the link below:


Let me know if you decide to sign up so we
can meet up at the event. :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

SnapIt Screen Capture

Dear readers,

I would like to share a software that I have found to be very useful.

SnapIt Screen Capture 3.7 is a easy to use screen capture software which allows users to easily capture anything on the screen including windows, menus full screen, rectangular regions, web pages and take shots of moving images.

I have been using it to build my websites with this Screen Capture Software. It is easy to learn and use. Some of its features include supporting hotkeys, auto-saving, clipboard. Automatically copies screenshots to the clipboard. It tracks capture history, auto-saves captured images. It also saves files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF formats.

Screen Capture Software also crops out sections of vector graphic files such as Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator or Corel without having to flatten the files or open in a new editor.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Reasons to Appreciate Difficulties by Stacy C.

Life always finds ways to hand us challenges.

Sometimes the challenges are self inflicted because of poor choices
that we have made. Other times they are inflicted on us because of
poor choices that other people have made that directly or
indirectly influence our lives.

Many times challenges are just part of life.

No matter the cause of the challenge we can choose to face the
challenges in one of two ways.

We can choose to take the challenge head on and make the most of
them, seeing them as opportunities to grow as a person. OR we can
moan and complain about how unfair the world is and continue
finding the same challenges until we choose to take life's lessons
and use them to grow.

That is why we can find at least ten reasons to appreciate
difficulties that life throws our way! Following are ten reasons
that we can appreciate the difficulties in our lives.

10 Reasons to Appreciate Difficulties

1. If life was easy all of the time we would grow lazy and rarely
be motivated to change and grow. How motivated were you to change
and grow the last time that you were laying on a beach under the
sun and beautiful blue sky?

2. Difficulties often force us to change in ways that we never
would otherwise. When we are put in situations that make us
uncomfortable we see the need for a change in our own actions,
attitudes and thinking. (Assuming that we are looking to grow,
otherwise all we see is how other people need to change to make us

3. You can inspire and encourage others towards personal growth and
development! Others can be inspired by you in many ways, whether
they are watching you from the sidelines or whether you share with
them how you overcame a difficulty when they are going through a
similar trial.

4. After you have come out of the difficulty and look back at how
you grew and overcame challenges you will feel great about yourself!

5. Each difficulty presents a learning opportunity, otherwise it
wouldn't be difficult. Look for the lesson to be learned, look as
hard as you need to because once you find that lesson it is
something that you will be able to carry with you for your whole

6. Look at someone who hates challenges, look at how miserable they
are and how miserable they make people around them. Know that you
won't be like them, being controlled by circumstances rather than
being in control over themselves.

7. Challenges initiate creativity. It is said that difficulty is
the mother of all inventions, when people are in situations that
they don't like the successful people will use their creativity to
find ways to deal with the difficulties. Many inventions were
created this way and also many great works of art were created in
times of the artist's stress.

8. New relationships can be made through challenges. You could meet
people who have gone through the same challenges as you and develop
very strong bonds that will last years. Some challenges bring about
instant bonds. For instance, I'm a cancer survivor and there is an
instant connection when I meet someone else who is one as well.
There are plenty of other types of challenges which bring bonding
between people such as the loss of a loved one or surviving a

9. If you are a spiritual person your challenges present a unique
opportunity to reach out to your creator and also by finding other
ways to grow spiritually.

10. Each time that you successfully overcome a difficulty you will
have more confidence to successfully overcome the next challenge
that life throws your way. You will become stronger each time and
each event of personal growth through these challenges will build
on each other to make you stronger and stronger, more and more

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inspiring Others By Working On Yourself by Kenneth T.W. Kwan

Dedicating to yourself to your personal development goals is a
great step in the right direction. When I talk about personal
development, it means dedicating time to learn work on your mental
fitness, health, skills and knowledge.

Upon completing these goals, you may notice that you have gained
some sideline spectators as well. In most cases, you are catching
their attention because of the changes you are making. I frequently
think that success breeds more success. This means that when we
have achieved a small level of success with our work, we tend to
have people attracted to what we do. For example, when I started
gaining small successes in the speaking industry, I started to get
more offers to speak in different countries and seminars.

By gaining someone's attention, you are serving as an inspiration
to others. This often happens naturally and is another big
commitment. You have committed to be consistent with your actions
and to serve as a role model for others to follow.

If you want to make the most out of this occurrence and really
impact other people's lives positively, you can use the steps
below. These steps are designed to create an amazing life:

1. Passion and excitement: A person will usually only serve as an
inspiration to others if they are passionate and love what they do.
It is a known fact that the more excited someone is about
something, the more they will excel in their work. What makes you
passionate? Does it excite other people to pursue theirs as well?

2. Goal Setting: Always set goals for what you are looking to
achieve. The use of goals has proven to be very effective and
allows for a greater commitment factor. It is important to make
them detailed so you know when you have actually reached the goal.
You can then celebrate the accomplishment of that goal and move on
to create another. This will not only keep you motivated, but show
others that goals are attainable. In addition, this will get people
to draw their inspiration from you and desire for more out of their

3. Go big or go home! You need to set goals to push your limits. By
doing so, you will achieve more and really shine to yourself and
others. The important thing to keep in mind is to make sure you are
not creating goals that are unrealistic. There is a distinct line
between goals that are challenging versus those that are just not
plausible (eg. walk on the moon without a breathing apparatus).

Another aspect to keep in mind with very challenging goals is to
make sure you measure them by performance. In other words, the
outcome might not have been the outcome you wanted but you gave
your best performance in achieving it. This means that you might
fail at times, but knowing that you have given your best shot at
it, it is alright to fail. You just need to change completely or
modify your strategy and take massive actions on it. Which leads to
the point 4 below.

4. Consistency and Persistency: To be truly exceptional, you have
to make sure you are reaching goals. Be continuous in your efforts
in reaching challenging goals. The harder you work for the goal,
the more you will appreciate it. Moreover, persistence, as seen
from an outsider, is what really motivates and inspires someone.
This persistency in handling problems is what is termed as
Adversity Quotient (AQ), where you demonstrate resilience in tough
situations. It is not talented people who succeed all the time, but
people who have strengthened their AQ over time and are able to
keep moving forward even when situations seem bleak or rough.

In my life, I do not always have all the answers, but I know that
it is just a matter of time before I find the answers that I seek.
I just need to be consistent and persistent in my quest. In my line
of work, I never knew it was possible for me to be invited to speak
in seminars or even give keynotes because I started out doing small
group training (I first started out with only three people in front
of me and now it has grown to hundreds) The question I feel is
never whether you can or cannot do it, it is always "how can I do
it?". Persistency will pay off if you keep at striving for
different ways to make it work. Will you decide to be relentless?

5. Share what you know: It is important, as an inspiration to
others, that you share knowledge you have. Let people know how you
did it and encourage them just the same. I have personally found
that some people just need you to light the fire in their hearts
and they will start their search for greatness.

It is important to remember that you need to keep a positive
attitude and always look to the future. With doing this, you will
not only enrich your life, but you will do the same for others. No
man is an island, everything we do affects another person.

Make a decision to inspire someone today!